spiritual ne demek?

Spirituality is a broad concept that encompasses a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, such as a higher power, the universe, or a higher consciousness. It involves seeking meaning and purpose in life, as well as exploring deeper questions about existence, the nature of reality, and the inner self.

Spirituality often involves practices such as prayer, meditation, mindfulness, and reflection, as well as engaging in rituals and ceremonies that promote a sense of connection and unity with the divine or spiritual realm. It can be expressed through various religious traditions, belief systems, and philosophical perspectives, or it can be pursued independently of any organized religion.

Spirituality is often seen as a personal and individual journey, in which individuals seek to cultivate inner peace, compassion, gratitude, and wisdom, as well as to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. It can also involve a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings and the natural world, as well as a commitment to ethical and moral values that guide one's actions and decision-making.