hurûfîler ne demek?

Hurufism, 14th-century religious movement that emerged in Anatolia (present-day Turkey) and spread within the Turkish and Persian-speaking areas of the Islamic world.

Hurufism was founded by Fadl Allah Astarabadi, who claimed to be the reincarnation of the Prophet Muhammad. The movement was characterized by its syncretic blending of Islamic mysticism (Sufism) with esoteric and numerological interpretations of the Arabic alphabet. The word "Huruf" means "letters" in Arabic, referring to the mystical significance attributed to the letters of the alphabet in Hurufism.

Believers of Hurufism believed that hidden meanings existed behind the letters of the Arabic alphabet, and by rearranging and combining these letters, one could unlock divine secrets and gain spiritual insight. They also emphasized the numerological aspects of the alphabet, believing that the numbers corresponding to each letter had sacred and mystical meanings.

Hurufis believed in the concept of "hulul," which states that God could manifest Himself within a human being. They believed that the divine essence could be passed on from one Prophet to another, and that the spirit of Muhammad was transferred through reincarnation. This belief was controversial and considered heretical by mainstream Islamic scholars.

The movement also promoted the idea of a hidden imam, an esoteric leader who would return and bring about a spiritual revolution. This belief played a significant role in the establishment of the Qizilbash movement, a heterodox Shia group.

Hurufism was persecuted and suppressed by both Sunni and Shia authorities due to its unorthodox beliefs and practices. Many Hurufis were executed or forced into hiding. Despite its suppression, the movement had a significant influence on subsequent mystical and esoteric movements in the Islamic world.

Overall, Hurufism was a unique mystical movement that blended Sufism, numerology, and esoteric interpretations of the Arabic alphabet. Though considered heretical by mainstream Islamic scholars, it left a lasting impact on the development of mystical and esoteric thought in the region.