gi̇raffe ne demek?

Giraffes are tall, long-necked mammals found in Africa. They are the tallest land animals in the world and can grow up to 18 feet (5.5 meters) tall. Giraffes have a unique spotted pattern on their fur, which helps them blend in with the trees while they are feeding.

Male giraffes have large, bony horns on their heads called ossicones, while females have smaller ossicones. They use these horns to fight for dominance during mating season.

Giraffes are herbivores, which means they eat only plants. They have a very long, prehensile tongue that they use to grab leaves and other vegetation from trees. They also have a four-chambered stomach for digesting their tough, fibrous diet.

Giraffes are social animals and live in groups called towers or herds. They communicate with each other through a variety of sounds, such as grunts, moans, and hisses.

Unfortunately, giraffes are facing threats such as habitat loss due to human activity, and hunting for their meat, skin, and other body parts. As a result, some subspecies are endangered. Conservation efforts are underway to protect giraffe populations and their habitats.