apo ne demek?

APO (Armee Populaire de la Liberation or People's Liberation Army) is a Marxist-Leninist terrorist group that was founded in Turkey in the late 1970s. The group's primary goal is to create a separate Kurdish state in southeastern Turkey, northern Syria, northern Iraq, and western Iran, and it seeks to achieve this goal through violent means, including bombing, assassinations, and kidnappings.

APO is led by Abdullah Ocalan, who was the group's founder and has been its leader since its inception. Ocalan was captured by Turkish authorities in 1999 and is currently serving a life sentence in prison. Despite his imprisonment, APO continues to operate and carry out attacks in the region.

The group has been responsible for numerous terrorist attacks over the years, including bombings of government buildings, kidnappings of Western tourists, and attacks on Turkish military personnel. APO also has ties to other Kurdish groups, such as the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The Turkish government considers APO to be a terrorist organization and has a long-standing conflict with the group. The conflict has led to widespread violence and instability in the region, with both sides committing human rights abuses.