amphibians ne demek?

Amphibians are a class of vertebrate animals that include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts. They are unique in that they are able to live both on land and in water, and have adaptations to help them survive in both environments.

Amphibians typically have moist, permeable skin that helps them breathe through their skin. They also have lungs and are able to breathe air. Most amphibians lay their eggs in water, where they hatch and go through a series of metamorphic stages before becoming adults.

Amphibians play important roles in their ecosystems. They help control insect populations and serve as food for other animals. They also provide important clues about the health of their environment, as they are sensitive to changes in water quality and climate.

Unfortunately, many amphibians are currently threatened or endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and disease. Conservation efforts are underway to help protect these important animals.